
Time to lift the divine circuit...


4月18日、Segwei初のフルアルバム"SOUL DEEP"リリース決定!

CDはSegweiの自主レーベルFellow Travelersから(FTVR001)、12inchレコードはカナダのフェロートラベラーKevin氏のレーベルBart Records and Revolution Winterから(REWIN009)のリリース。(レコードのリリース日は 18日から多少遅れる可能性があります)
購入方法等は追ってお知らせします。ARE YOU READY TO GO??

リリース日の発表に合わせて、SOUL DEEPから2曲、"Crossin' The Line"と"Alpha Jerk"SegweiのSoundCloudページFacebookページで聴けるようにしました。(サンプラーとは1曲かえてます)
リリースまでのつなぎ(=Smooth Transition)としてお楽しみください。


2013年4月18日、SEGWEI初のフルアルバム"SOUL DEEP"リリース!
Quantum Leapで飛躍し、Selection Pressureで淘汰圧を凌ぎ、Crossin' The Lineで一線を越え、Alpha Jerkで彼岸を抜け、Freewheelで自由になり、Netherveinで地下を這い、Scattering Of The Seedsで播種し、Deep Endで深い地点に到達して、Poison Dartsで敵を射抜き、Ubiquityで神に触れ、Hole In The Skyで探求の旅から帰還する。
Not for Skin-deepers. Only for Soul-deepers!!

  • 全てのSEGWEI作品に携わってきたエンジニア、小野寺氏との最後の作品!
  • BOREDOMS、THA BLUE HERB、Polaris等の重要アルバムを手掛けてきたM's Disk滝瀬氏によるマスタリング!
  • デジパック仕様、16pブックレットつき。
  • CDはSEGWEIメンバー自身によるレーベル、FELLOW TRAVELERSからの記念すべきファーストリリース!

This time has come to lift the divine circuit!

On April 18th 2013, Segwei will release the first full album "SOUL DEEP".
11songs,  Digipak form additioned with obi, including photo booklet of 16 pages...
All our vibes are compiled in this album.

Not to mention, without the SOUL support of people, this day would not have happened.
Let the record spin to the journey of spiritual DEEP.

CD format will be released from our mother ship label "Fellow Travelers".
12 inch LP will be released from Canadian label "Bart Records and Revolution Winter" founded by Kevin Stebner.

Purchasing procedures for both domestic and overseas will be officially announced to you shortly. Please be patient for a while.

In the meantime, we would also like to announce you that two songs from our album, "Crossin' The Line" and "Alpha Jerk" are now uploaded for listening via Facebook and SoundCloud.

We believe the above would be a smooth transition until the release date.


For further information please refer accordingly.

SEGWEI will be releasing their first full-length album "SOUL DEEP" on April 18, 2013.

This album is Not for Skin-deepers. Only for Soul-deepers!! 11 songs lead you to the journey of deepest spiritual state of mind.
With the drastic flight departing from QUANTUM LEAP, shifting beyond SELECTION PRESSURE, CROSSIN' THE LINE across borders, almost dropping down to the ALPHA JERK, blown in the wind of FREEWHEEL as if we are smelling the freedom, crawling the underground tasting the bitterness of dirt NETHERVEIN, SCATTERING OF THE SEEDS of our life experience, achieving to the deepest DEEP END, defeating our competitors with our POISON DARTS, feeling the sent of God's UBIQUITY, arriving to our final home by the finest melodies of HOLE IN THE SKY.
Every people have a place to return.

  • The last involvement of engineer Mr. Onodera who have recorded all tracks of SEGWEI
  • Mastered by M's Disk, Ms. Takise who is involved in numerous inspiring albums such as DJ Krush, BOREDOMS, THA BLUE HERB, Polaris
  • The booklet include 16 pages of moments captured by Segwei members during the travel across the world
  • First release of SEGWEI's independent label "Fellow Travelers"
  • LP Release by "Revolution Winter", Canadian label favoring Rites of Spring